Hello! My name is Slava Romanski, I run a small nontraditional medicine practice where I practice yoga and some naturopathic and ayurvedic seminars as a hobby. We are a family of affected with Prostatitis professionals who have dedicated nearly a decade to prostate research and have been practitioners of what we like to call “The Ultimate Lifestyle” – a lifestyle where health preventative rituals are an obsession and passion.
It all began when I was 42 leading a lifestyle that was very average, neither healthy nor full of debauchery, just your very average guy, married, working at an office, eating lots of fried food and going to the gym a few times a month. I didn’t smoke or drink heavily, so I thought I was a healthy guy. Then it all began.
I started having problems with my sexual performance and nocturnal urination, and my nights became a nightmare. Then I was diagnosed with Chronic Prostatitis later on and so my lifestyle had to change if I wanted to be a man in a full sense of this word. That was when I dove deep into research of all sorts of prostate related conditions and dedicated nearly a decade to it until I found the perfectly balanced lifestyle that fits my condition.
Having a PHD has given me the academic skills and dedication to be devoted to this cause. Having suffered personally has given me the passion. From antibiotics to naturopaths to reflexology to acupuncture to pelvic floor and penis targeted exercises, to Viagra, tantric yoga, sex therapists and prostate massages – I’ve tried it all! Some treatments worked for me, some didn’t, some worked for a bit and then stopped, some treatments worked fine but I just couldn’t stick to doing them. That was when I realized, it’s all about conditioning new habits and having those become your lifestyle!
The one treatment that seemed to be working well, and in addition I didn’t mind doing it, was the new habit that I picked up – brushing my teeth in the shower and doing prostate massages right after for 2-3 minutes. Taking supplements helped me to feel my best and want to be sexual with my wife. I especially take extra good care of myself when my condition gets worse, when it starts to get cold. Winters are really cold here in New York state and cold and I we don’t get along well, so I’ve arranged my lifestyle that I can now spend my winters in Florida, which was another thing to fix my problem. But even in the Florida heat my condition reminds me of itself the moment I take a break from my daily health rituals.
And last but not least, I found a new hobby of ayurvedic yoga – where I get to stay not only physically active and mentally balanced but up to date with the natural healing plants and properties and on the best diet of all times. My wife and oldest son are also avid followers.
This website is my research, my so called gift to the world, the little something I can do to pass on my knowledge and share my personal cures of choice and see if that helps you also. That will make me happy and help me feel that I have a purpose.
Looking forward to helping you reach your Ultimate Lifestyle – healthy, pain free and sexually satisfying! Yours truly,