There are several different BPH treatments available, though in many cases where BPH symptoms are not severe, treatment is not really necessary. Rather a watchful eye is all that is needed, to ensure the condition doesn’t worsen and potentially lead to symptoms and/or complications. By watchful eye we mean taking preventative measures by .
a) Leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle
b) Taking preventative measures to ensure condition doesn’t get worse
The best preventative measure, as well as treatment, is a prostate massage. This is something we strongly recommend, weather you are suffering from the BPH symptoms or barely notice them.
Prostate Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is one of the best BPH treatments available, as there are no complications or side effects, and the results can often manifest even faster than through the use of drugs (though not immediately like surgical options). Massage treatments can help improve blood flow in the prostate and help reduce the size of the prostate gland and it turn relief the symptoms. This is something you can do at home in the comfort of your shower and only takes a few minutes per day a few times a week. Read more about prostate massage here.
In cases where symptoms or potential complications are severe enough to warrant looking into more serious BPH treatments, there are several possible options, depending on the severity. We’ve compiled and detailed these options below.
Alpha Blockers – Alpha blockers can be used to help relax the muscles of the prostate, which can eliminate the potential blockage caused by an enlarged prostate gland. This does not actually reduce the size of the prostate gland itself, but work just as well to clear up any symptoms that result from the enlarged gland. Talk to your doctor about this option as you will need a prescription.
5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors – Another option to ask your doctor about! What these drugs do is prevent the transformation of testosterone into DHT, its active form in the prostate gland. DHT is directly responsible for the increase in prostate gland, and cutting off its formation can lead to a reduction in prostate size of 25% within six months. Depending on the current severity of symptoms, this treatment may not be ideal due to the length of time it takes for results to manifest, as there’s generally no improvement in symptoms until that six months period has passed.
Surgery – Several surgical procedures are also available, though these should only be considered as a last resort type of treatment. One such surgical treatment is microwave therapy, in which microwave energy is delivered to the prostate. This results in the deaths of numerous cells, and eventually, the shrinkage of the prostate gland. Another option is laser procedures, which help remove some of the excess tissue around the prostate.
The final surgical option is Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP). This highly invasive procedure is conducted by inserting an instrument into the urethra through the penis. The doctor then shaves away part of the inner prostate to clear a path for easier bladder relief. Needless to say, the patient must be given a healthy helping of anaesthesia to get through this procedure.
If you’re concerned about your BPH, there’s no reason not to look into treatment options out there. Even if it may seem like everything is fine right now, if you don’t take precautions you may find yourself suffering later on and blaming yourself for not taking action earlier. So don’t wait and do it now, start with critically assessing your lifestyle, incorporating vitamins and supplements, exercising, following a proper diet and performing prostate massages to reduce the growth. Take charge of your life and enjoy the perfect prostate health!