Prostate Anatomy

Situated between the bladder and rectum, the prostate is an organ made up of two projections and encompassed by a layer of tissue. The prostate likewise encompasses the urethra, the tube which conveys both pee and semen into the penis. The prostate is entirely little in young fellows, about the measure of a walnut, however, develops all through the lifetime of its male host. The average weight of a normal prostate in an adult male is around 11 grams which usually range between 7 and 16 grams. The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ that is responsible for the production of the fluids which feeds and protects the sperm cells.



Prostate Functions


Carries an important part in the reproductive system

Prostate also plays an important role in the reproductive system. It is a muscle that pumps the semen out through the penis to enter into the vagina to help the sperm reach the cervix successfully and helps ensure the procreation of species. As an added bonus for males, sex are made more desirable through the pumping action of the prostate and helps procreation in return.

The prostate also serves as filters to ensure that sperms are protected from toxins which increases the

change of impregnation and ensures the optimum quality of sperm is produced. This is one of the most

important functions of the prostate and since men deal with more toxins in food and environment; this

could be one of the main reasons of the growing epidemic of prostate disease.


As a Sex Gland

The prostate completes a few imperative capacities. As a matter of first importance, the prostate capacities as a sex organ by not just making the liquid that sustains sperm and secures them on their excursion through the vaginal tract, however in its further limit as a muscle, it impels said sperm through the penis upon discharge. The sperm is transported from the ductus deference to the urethra of male via ejaculatory glands which are present in the prostate gland during ejaculation. Some men can have orgasm solely by doing prostate massage or anal intercourse which is a form of prostate gland stimulation. Thousands of tiny glands within the prostate create semen by mixing the fluid with sperms. That process is carried out during ejaculation. This fluid is forced into the urethra as the muscles are contracted which then mixes with sperms that were released from the testicles to produce the semen. The alkalinity of this prostatic fluid protects the sperm when they enter the vaginal tract which is naturally acidic. Without this special cote, the sperms would have shorter lifespans, less mobile and are in danger of losing its DNA markers.


Responsible gland for Erection

Prostate nerves are also known to be responsible for men’s erection as they serve as a trigger for the penis to harden and become swollen with the extra blood that flows into it, which results to an erection. If these prostate nerves that are attached to the sides of the prostate get damaged, this could result in erectile difficulties. People who have undergone some medical prostate procedures like surgery or radiation can often experience the unwanted side effects of impotence or erectile difficulties. The prostate gland serves as a defense from any type of bacteria that attempts to set upon the bladder. In addition, it aids men in controlling their urine flow rate through contraction around the urethra and restricting the measure of pee that is discharged at any given time.


Powers up the men’s sexual drive

A crucial enzyme called 5-Alpha- reductase which is found in the prostate gland is responsible for converting the body’s regular hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a powerful type of testosterone compared to simple ones. DHT has a lot of functions which includes enhancement of men’s sexual drive and sexual functions. Men experience a decline of their sexual drive as they age since the prostate accumulates toxin buildups overtime which can affect the production of DHT.

Testosterone and DHT have been targeted as responsible hormones that cause prostate problems rather than an increasing rise of modern male estrogen levels. This leads to medical interventions which are causes of negative side effects such as a decline in sexual interest and libido. The cause of the rising of estrogen levels is found to be the prevalence of estrogens in commercial meats and dairy, processed foods, and chemicals that are known to mimic estrogen which is found in various types body care and household products.

The prostate serves as a powerhouse and having so many vast role and functions, having prostate problems can create havoc on the health of men. It is a remarkable gland that has a large repercussion on the quality of life of men. Men should do all that they can to make sure that their prostate health is enhanced since unhealthy prostate could have a lot of impact on their sexual function and simple daily urination.


It controls the flow of urine

The prostate also controls the flow of urine as it surrounds the upper part of the urethra which is located below the bladder. It helps prevent urine from damaging ejaculation during the orgasm period and it also stops the urine from leaving the bladder. Two small prostatic muscles which are called sphincters serve as gatekeepers with turn off valves which regulates and controls the two-purpose urethra tube. These muscles are responsible for making sure that the correct fluids flow at the exact time whether during ejaculation or urination. For those that are suffering from enlargement of the prostate, their prostatic urethra tube, and both sphincter is squeezed which results to uncontrollable or unpleasant urination.


Prostate Size

The extent of the prostate has a tendency to be uniform among men, paying little respect to race, ordinarily being the measure of a kiwifruit, and weighing around one ounce. The measure of the prostate initially starts to increment when a kid first achieves pubescence, roughly multiplying in size. Again in the mid 20’s the extent of the prostate increments once more, however, this time not as drastically as amid pubescence.


After the second development spurt, the prostate frequently keeps on growing after some time, and this can bring about a typical condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasy (BPH). BPH is available at a high rate of guys more than 40, and a much higher rate of guys more than 60, however not all guys will be liable to manifestations of BPH. These side effects can incorporate more incessant pee, a failure to totally exhaust the bladder, a powerless pee stream, and in addition agonizing  pee.