Prostatitis Treatments for Individual Types

Once you are starting to show symptoms of Prostatitis like urinating frequently, chills and fever, difficulty when it comes to urinating or feeling burning sensation while peeing, you may want to seek the proper Prostatitis treatments. A person must be diagnosed properly in order to get the proper treatment and proper diagnosis is essential as treatments vary depending on the type.


Because of the different variations of Prostatitis, there are numerous Prostatitis treatments available to help treat these conditions. Some Prostatitis treatments can be used to help treat most issues affecting the prostate, while others are focused on treating very specific issues. Let’s quickly address the four main variations of Prostatitis, and then delve into the various treatment methods available to combat them.

Pelvic Floor Myalgia (PFM) – Inflammation and bacteria are absent in this condition, which is characterized by pain in the pelvic area and/or prostate. This condition is often found in those who have poor fitness levels, specifically poor posture and deconditioned abdominal muscles. This is treated with the lifestyle changes with the goal of treatment being the reduction of symptoms. Physical exercises targeting abdominal and pelvic regions are key, although any exercises that require mobility in this particular region will be helpful if performed on a regular basis. Prostate massage can be helpful also. In rare cases where all else fails surgery is necessary.

Acute Bacterial Prostatitis (ABP) – Similar to CBP as far as symptoms and causes go, ABP is characterized by much stronger and more intense symptoms than CBP. The symptoms will often progress so quickly, and be so severe that a trip to the hospital will be in order. In the most severe cases, antibiotics may need to be applied intravenously to help speed up the process of fighting off the bacteria. In less severe cases, antibiotics can be taken in pill form as with CBP.

Non-Bacterial Prostatitis (NBP) – NBP has the same symptoms as CBP, though medical professionals are still unsure of what causes it. As the causes are unknown, treatment methods also vary, and are often focused on making changes to one’s lifestyle that could be contributing to the condition. Such options could include making diet changes, especially in regards to cutting out alcohol and caffeine, acupuncture, relaxation exercises, prostate massage and frequent ejaculation

Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (CBP) – CBP is caused by a build-up of bacteria in the prostate, and this can lead to several different symptoms which usually develop gradually, and remain mild to moderate in intensity. The most effective way to treat CBP is to take antibiotics, which help clear out the bacteria and associated symptoms. It can take one to three months for the antibiotics to complete eliminate all of the bacteria from the prostate. Other treatments are alpha blockers. Your doctor may prescribe those if you are having trouble urinating, it works by relaxing bladder muscles. Over the counter pain killers are sometimes a preferred choice to relieve pain. Medications combined with warm sitz baths are a way to go as well.. A warm sitz bath is when you sit in two to three inches of water. Among all treatments, this is considered to be the most conservative treatment for chronic Prostatitis.

Alternative Prostatitis Treatments

Prostate Massage Therapy – A prostate massage can greatly relieve symptoms, especially pain in the prostate region, and can also improve other functions of the prostate, include sexual. Read more about prostate massage here.

Prostate Supplements – These supplements can also help improve prostate performance and reduce prostate conditions and their severity. Read more about prostate supplements here.

Pelvic Floor exercises – Work by activating the blood flow in the pelvic area and engaging the deconditioned muscles.

Warm sitz baths – Sitz bath is when only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution, helps to ease the pain or inflammation in prostate problems and/or testicles and should be taken 15 minutes at a time twice daily.