Prostate Saw PalmettoSaw Palmetto is an extract that has proven to be highly valuable in fighting various prostate conditions such as BPH. It is extracted from the berries of a plant called serenoa repens. The berries are taken from these plants, dried, and then a solvent such as ethanol is used to break them down.

In addition to prostate conditions, other conditions saw palmetto has been known to help with are urinary tract infections, as well as male hair loss issue. The cure for baldness may seem somewhat random, but it actually ties in with BPH, as these two conditions are closely linked, and represent an overabundance of testosterone circulating throughout the same, and making their way to both the hair follicles, and the prostate gland.

It is believed saw palmetto works by blocking the specific enzyme that converts testosterone into a more potent form – dihydrotestosterone. It is also possible that saw palmetto affects the levels of hormones in the body including testosterone and estrogen, although studies have not really proven that it is in fact the case. Because of its potential impact on estrogen levels, saw palmetto is not recommended for pregnant women.

In addition, saw palmetto has been shown to have some anti-inflammatory effects. This can not only help with conditions caused by inflammation, such as acne, but also help reduce inflammation in the prostate, which could be the cause of an enlargement, and pain as a result. It is also believed to inhibit enlargement in the prostate by actually slowing down the growth of the prostate cells.

When being used to combat hair loss, saw palmetto can be taken as a regular herbal supplement in pill form, or may also come in shampoo form for application directly to the scalp. For prostate conditions the best way to get full benefits of saw palmetto is by taking supplements.

Please note that a range of 160 and 320 mg once per day is considered a safe and effective dosage of saw palmetto. Some products give much higher doses of saw palmetto than this such as the Super Prostate Formula, which contains nearly 700 mg of saw palmetto per dose,  so you may want to consult your doctor before taking one of these supplements or carefully examine the amount of ingredients specified on the bottle.  However, most saw palmetto-specific supplements stick within the recommended guidelines of 160 to 320 mg.

Although supplements are generally considered safe, it is not recommended to take them in high doses. Don’t try to overdo it in the hopes of gaining significant results quickly. Stick to a moderate daily intake of saw palmetto, and you should see some improvement of certain prostate conditions over time.

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