Enlarged Prostate Diet

Enlarged prostate or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition very common in men above 50. About 50% of men beyond the age of 60 and more than 95% of men beyond the age of 85 suffer from BPH. Given the pain and discomfort associated with this condition, it is very important to do what it takes to prevent it. Of course, BPH and prostate infection, in general, can be treated but it is much better to prevent them. While exercises and healthy lifestyle have been linked by various studies to a healthy prostate, enlarged prostate diet can also help to prevent prostate enlargement. However, you can achieve a great result when you combine exercise and a healthy prostate diet.

 Enlarged Prostate Diet

Top Enlarged Prostate Diet

Although several other health benefits have been associated with most of these diets, they are particularly useful for improving the health of the prostate. Some of the most common enlarged prostate diets are shortly outlined.

Vegetables – Green leafy vegetables are a great source of antioxidants. The risk of BPH and prostate cancer is greatly reduced by taking vegetables especially because of their antioxidant property. Broccoli and several other cruciferous vegetables can also minimize prostate cancer. In addition, the risk of BPH may be sufficiently lowered by taking garlic and onion.

Soy foods – soybeans and its products are excellent for reducing BPH. Soybean components such as soybean isoflavones like Genistein and Daidzein have been severally associated with cancer reduction. They are equally effective in reducing the risk of BPH. Several symptoms of BPH, particularly urinary tract symptoms, are reduced by soybeans. Soybean is not the only enlarged prostate diet, other soy foods share in its effectiveness. Examples include soy yogurt, tempeh, soy milk, cooked soybeans and roasted soybeans.

Zinc rich Foods – Most men who suffer from enlarged prostate lack zinc in their body. In some cases, such men may have 75% less zinc than men with healthy prostate. Thus, zinc rich foods should be an important source of every man’s diet. There are several zinc rich foods; a few examples include sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, oyster, watermelon seeds, kidney beans, almonds, adzuki beans, shrimp and so forth. Sesame seed is an important enlarged prostate diet with proven beneficial effect on the prostate health. It is better to obtain zinc from food than supplements because the former is more easily absorbed than the latter.

Omega-3 rich foods – Omega-3 fatty acid is a healthy fat and beneficial food nutrient. It is relevant in weight loss, treating cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as inflammation and arthritis. By helping in weight loss and decreasing obesity, omega-3 helps to improve the prostate health. When coupled with exercise, you can be sure to get your prostate health in a very good condition. Salmon is an important enlarged prostate diet rich in omega-3. However, omega-3 can also be obtained from several other sources such as canola oil, flax seeds, kidney seeds, chia seeds and so forth.

Vitamin C rich foods – Just like vegetables, vitamin C is an important antioxidant that can help to improve your prostate health. It is a very effective ingredient in fighting and mitigating the risk of BPH. Of course, vegetables are an important source of vitamin C but vitamin C can also be obtained from other sources such as fruit. However, vitamin C from vegetables is more suitable than fruit-based vitamin C in reducing the risk of BPH. Several vegetables come handy here but bell pepper is one of the most important sources of vitamin C. bell pepper is an enlarged prostate diet that contains up to 195% vitamin C; it is a very important food for a healthy prostate.

Lycopene-rich foods – the red coloration of tomatoes is obviously due to the presence of lycopene. Lycopene is an important food nutrient that helps in reducing the risk of BPH. It slows down BPH by reducing prostate specific antigen associated with BPH, inflammation and prostate cancer. Tomatoes are not the only enlarged prostate diet rich in lycopene, several other diets such as nuts, oil, butter, avocado, watermelon, papaya, apricots, pink grapefruits and so forth.

Avocados – Avocado is an important source of beta-sitosterol that can greatly reduce the risk of BPH. Beta-sitosterol is also excellent in improving urinary flow and in solving urinary retention problem. The problems of urinary retention and residual urine are reduced by avocados. The food nutrient, beta-sitosterol, is not only present in avocados, it can also be found in some other foods such as wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, pecans, and soybeans.

Diet Precautions to Take for Improved Prostate Health

According to dietitians, the overall feeding habit should be taken into consideration in improving the prostate health. It is better to take a holistic look at the entire eating habit than focusing on a single food type. Some of the best practices in eating habit and enlarged prostate diet are shortly outlined.

  • A daily serving of a minimum of five fruits and vegetables is recommended. It is also better to go for fruits and vegetables with bright and deep colors.
  • Avoid white bread but rather go for whole-grain bread or whole-grain cereals and pasta.
  • Instead of consuming red meats like lamb, pork, beef and so forth, go for fish, beans, eggs, skinless poultry and so forth. Also, avoid processed meats.
  • Reduce your consumption of saturated fats obtained from animal products like dairy but rather go for healthy fats from nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
  • Reduce your consumption of salts but rather opt in for foods low in sodium.
  • Canned, frozen and frozen foods should be avoided.
  • It is important to avoid sugar-sweetened foods. You may take sweets occasionally.


It is the responsibility of every man to improve his prostate health. Prostate food supplements contain most of the aforementioned ingredients and can be a great way to provide your body with these ingredients as fast as possible. However, you need to maintain a healthy diet and live an active lifestyle to prevent prostate enlargement and prostatitis from occurring.

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